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Payments Accepted

All prices for houses are calculated based on a quotation system, quotes are provided on an individual basis.


All payments are made by EFT, an invoice is sent out at the end of each cleaning session.

Cancellation Policy

Please provide 2 days notice for all cancellations. A $50 fee is included for late notice cancellations.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not happy with your service, we will come back and  re-clean for you (free of charge), please contact me for more information.

Apartment Cleaning Prices

Apartment cleaning prices are based on an hourly rate, prices start at $45 Per Hour.

Conditions of End of Lease Re-cleaning

You must provide 48 hours notice for all recleans, after 48 hours we will no longer be able to reclean free of charge or offer any refund.

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